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Finding and Registering for an Internship

Internship Agreement Form

Refer to the list of possible internships. You may also want to see the listings in the Career Center. Be sure to consider what new skills and abilities you would like to develop from the internship.

Phone or email one or more potential internship settings and discuss:

  1. The duties and opportunities the internship might include. Make sure to let them know that you are an SSU student majoring in WGS. Let the organization know if you would like to work in a specific area or want to develop certain skills. For example, you might say that you are great at social media outreach or that you are thinking about a future career as a counselor and would like to gain experience.
  2. Your potential schedule with the organization. You need to complete 45 hours of internship to earn 1 unit of credit. This breaks down to about 3 hours per week over a 15 week semester. Some students work at their internship site each week, while others work full 8-hour days over several weekends- you can arrange the schedule that works best for you and the organization.

Then, before school starts or during the first week of classes, meet with your on-site supervisor to fill out the “internship" form. Discuss how you will maintain a log of your hours and any special requirements (expectations for individuals working in that setting, such as confidentiality or safety issues).

Students must get their internship supervisor to digitally sign the internship agreement form. Then students need to sign the internship form. Once you have both of these signatures, please email your internship agreement form to the Department Chair. 

Internship agreement forms must be emailed to the Department Chair by 3 p.m., on THURSDAY of the 2ND WEEK of the SEMESTER. WGS will obtain signatures from the Dean, assign you a WGS faculty sponsor and file the internship agreement with Admissions and Records.

Note: If you do not submit the paperwork in a timely manner, you may not receive credit for the internship course.

Note: All WGS majors are required to complete 3 units of Internship.