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Matthew Paolucci Callahan

Professor, Psychology

Matthew Paolucci Callahan
Matthew Paolucci Callahan

Visit Dr. Callahan's web page


Stevenson Hall 3208

My lab is focused on prejudice against gay men and lesbian women. We investigate the role of values (such as family values), gender role conformity (especially masculinity) and gender role violation (stereotypic versus counter-stereotypic targets) on antigay attitudes and affect.

Selected Publications & Presentations

McKee, S., H. Smith, A. Koch, R. Balzarini, M. Georges and M. Callahan. 2013. Looking up and Seeing Green. Psychology of Women Quarterly 37: 351-365.

Callahan, M. and T. Vescio. 2011. Core American Values and the Structure of Antigay Prejudice. Journal of Homosexuality 58: 248-262.

Callahan, M.P., G. Sechrist and T.K. Vescio. 2003. Perspective taking and prejudice reduction: The mediational role of empathy arousal and situational attributions. European Journal of Social Psychology 33: 355-472.